Special deal on select Great Plains Laboratory tests!

Greetings! As mentioned in my email, I recently attended a conference hosted by Great Plains Laboratory that covered use of some of their specialty lab tests. As a benefit of attending, I was given the opportunity to purchase several of their tests at a greatly reduced rate. (These are tests that I occasionally recommend to my patients as an option for more in-depth exploration of various problems, but they’re definitely on the pricey side, so people often “pass”.) When I inquired, I got permission to offer these tests to my practice at these rates – with the understanding that this is a special one-time deal. The deal was supposed to expire on 1/31, but I’ve been given until Friday to place the order. The cutoff date / time for you to get your order to me is by 10 am on 2/5/2021.

Here’s a list of the GPL tests on special (with links for more information). As a disclaimer, no, I’m not making any money off of this special, although I do reserve the right to add 3% to cover the card processing fees if we’ve got you set up to pay by credit card instead of bank draft.

Organic Acids Test, aka the “OAT” (This is GPL’s flagship product, the one that put them on the map. I’d recommend this to anyone with an unsolved medical mystery as potentially offering insight to any of a number of different health problems. It can pick up a wide variety of problems. Highly recommended to anyone/everyone with chronic health concerns, or just as a screening test for people who want a more in-depth assessment than what’s offered through the conventional tests I can get for you at LabCorp. Urine.) – $169
GPL-TOX (Toxic non-metal chemicals other than glyphosate. I’d recommend this to patients with chronic neurological, endocrine, or other health problems who want to go beyond what the OAT might show. Urine.) – $129 (*)
Glyphosate (A pervasive herbicide that’s used everywhere and commonly found in our food supply. Glyphosate can potentially cause a number of chronic health problems, but I think the best evidence is for its disrupting effects on the microbiome, so I might particularly recommend it for people with chronic GI issues. Urine.) – $79 (**)
MycoTOX Profile (This is a test that looks for accumulated mycotoxins, suggesting a significant exposure to toxic molds. I might particularly recommend this for people with chronic headaches or other unexplained neurological symptoms, although molds have been implicated in many other significant systemic problems as well. Urine.) – $199
IgG Food MAP with Candida + Yeast (This looks to be a great test for non-allergy food sensitivities that could potentially drive a whole host of digestive health issues and other health problems. Serum or dried blood spot) – $149 (***)

Combo deals:
ENVIROtox Panel (GPL-TOX + OAT + Glyphosate) – $299
ENVIROtox Complete Panel (ENVIROtox Panel + MycoTox) – $479
MycoTOX + OAT (special combo) – $339 (****)

(*) The GPL-TOX is also available as an add-on for $99 if also ordering the OAT and/or the MycoTox Profile. (Normal cost for this would be $149.)
(**) The Glyphosate test is also available as an add-on for $69 if also ordering the OAT and/or the MycoTox Profile.
(***) I’m not certain if the blood spot test is as good as the serum test. If opting for the latter, then we’ll need to arrange a blood draw, either by me at my office (if you’re brave – I’m not a great phlebotomist!) or with AnyLabTestNow (which I think would cost about ($25).
(****) This combination requires a minimum of 4 orders. If you’re potentially interested, please let me know what to do if I don’t get 4 orders for it – i.e. order both tests anyway, just get one of them, or don’t get either of them.

One last thing.. if you want my (brief) opinion about whether I think any given test might be particularly appropriate for you, feel free to write me (please don’t phone!) to tell me what you’re thinking about ordering and maybe a reminder of what question(s) you hope to get answered. I’ll try to respond to everyone, but it’s possible I may get overwhelmed, so please forgive me if I’m not able to get back to you quickly.

Ken Stone, MD

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